Sunday, 2 August 2015

How to Install Whatsapp in pc or Laptop ?

This is the most trending question now days since whatsapp become so popular that everyone wants to use it and because some people work on computer or laptop too much or either they dont have android or iPhone. They possibly cant get into the crowd with whatsapp.So here below some easy steps to install whatsapp on the Computer or laptop.
From the website :

1) If you have an android or iPhone or any other device with whatsapp on it you can open the menu( generally left bottom corner ) the phone and open "WhatsApp Web" a Qr Code scanner will open 
Now in your computer browser open 

And scan the code in the website your whatsapp account will directly connected to the website you have opened in your computer or laptop browser.(Note: Your mobile data should be in turned on during this process after completion of the step it wont be required)

This is the most easiest and the fastest and rather secure process to use whatsapp in your or any computer.

2) There is a software named as "Bluestacks" from the official website and install it in your computer or laptop.It also contains bunch of small whatsapp packages for using it into the messenger also,the official website for bluestacks is :

3)Mozilla firefox os Simulator in firefox is another way to literally get a mobile phone inside your computer or laptop using the firefox( Mozilla browser is necessary) you can directly download the addon from the Mozilla community website

This does not need any restart of browser.and you can download and run thousands of Firefox os apps. you can either get whatsapp there or maybe some emulator app for whatsapp.
Pretty cool for Mozilla to do this.

If You have any questions regarding this post don't hesitate to drop a message below.
Thank you

       What is robots.txt
The robots.txt is a text file with set of instructions given to the search engine for getting crawled in the web.The robots.txt file can be either left empty or with the instructions.The empty file possibly may not serve any use.So therefore something must be given to that file.That something is explained below.

User-agent: *


User-agent: *
Allow: /

The above two instructions would follow the same procedure that is:

1) User-agent:* => This instruction will allow all the search engine in the world to crawl your webpage as because * is taken as a universal value for a definition.

2) Disallow: or Allow: \ => Well both means the same actually the disallow is used to limit your page in certain search engines but when left blank will possibly allow everyone,Same does the Allow command you can selectively search for the search engines to be allowed or disallowed for your website.

What never write in robots.txt file :

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

If you write that code in your robots.txt your page will never be indexed into a search engine. This wont allow any search engine to index the website don't get confused on "/" symbol rather copy paste it from above.

You can either check it on the google webmaster webpage you first have to connect your website with the google webmaster to make it work.For that you have to run its script page in your domain address.Then you can access the google webmaster account,from there you can test and index your page manually i guess, and you can even check your robots.txt whether is it properly working or not.

Any further questions or queries you can directly ask in the box below.
Thank you   
